GTM Grader Competition 🎉
Check your GTM container quality score, and get the prise!
Something goes wrong..
Can't score GTM container. This's a technical detail:
Result Score:
Competition Leaderboard
Name | Surname | Score | Visual |
Name | Surname | Score | Visual |
Leaderboard results

Competition Rules
How to use the Grader
- Go to
- Select your GTM account
- Go to the Admin in top nav
- Click "Export Container" in middle navigation
- Select "Default Workspace"
- Click the Blue "Export" button in top right
- Save this file to your PC
- Then, upload this file to the grader (using link above)
The Grader will then instantly show your score x/10. If you scored 5 or above, you will see an option to enter competition :) To see your detailed breakdown, click the green "Get details" button & enter your email. Note: Your GTM config file is deleted after 30days and no PII or emails are stored within this JSON file (its just config settings).
Prize and Hall of fame
If you scored 5+ then and you clicked submitted in competition, then your name and score will show in real time on the left. At 5pm UK time on Friday 13th the winner will be announced. The winner will receive a £250 amazon voucher and top 4 contestants will get a £25 amazon voucher. If there is a tie for No1 then the judge (Phil Pearce) will decide.
How are Scores calulated
We analyse the features used in your GTM set-up and give you positive or negative points. You can see any negative points in the "get details" sent your email Note: because this tool does not use the GTM API we just parse the JSON export, it means that we are unable to test for account level configuration settings such as 2-step auth or number of admin users.
Share your GTM score!
If you scored well, the pls screenshot the Hall of fame page and share on social using the hashtags #measuresumit #gtmgrader and @measure_minds
You can use download 25 example GTM set-ups from to test the tool. Also, you can use or to improve your grade. If you want to be anonymous just enter Anon Anon and - but pls note we cant aware prize to anonymous users.